Graphic Machinery Service


Collating Machine
Referenz 19138
Manufacturer ABDICK
Year unknown
Available On Stock


Zusammentragmaschine / Collating Machine PLOCKMATIC 310

Baujahr / Year 1998 - Serial-No. 310034919
10 Staionen Zusammentragmaschine / 10 Stations Collating Machine
Mit einem angebundenen Rüttler zig/zag / Delivery Jogger with an online zig/zag unit
Panel Operation and Controls,
Stau / Jamming
Doppelbogen- und Fehlbogenkontrolle / double-sheet and no-sheet control
Pre-set counter - Full receiving Tray
Handnbücher / Manuals

Elektrischer Anschlusswert / Electrics 230 V - 2 ph

Online-Video-Inspection by WhatsApp - MS Zoom - Telegram
On Stock Emskirchen/Nürnberg - Available Immediately - Can be test
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